Our Value

Delivering on Expectations

There is often a gap between what employers expect from a 401(k) and what is available to them. We deliver experience and solutions to bridge that gap.

Ease of administration

Take advantage of our experience

401(k) administration is easier with the right partners. TAG takes on most of the administrative duties of a 401(k) plan so you can focus on your business.



Upload Payroll Files
Monitor Service Providers
Provide Year-End Data

Compliance Matters

Avoid unnecessary expenses

It’s important for your plan to comply with governmental requirements so you can avoid penalties and fees. We consistently monitor the plans we serve to confidently meet these requirements.

Liability Protection

Professional Fiduciary Services

Operating a retirement plan comes with risks. By taking on many of those risks, TAG helps protect retirement plan sponsors. Our clients can be confident that the appropriate standard of care is applied to the services we provide.

Balancing Cost and Value


Pooling assets can increase efficiency which may mean a TAG plan can cost less while providing services other providers may not offer.

Fiduciary Liability Protection

Because TAG assumes 3(16) fiduciary liability, employers can relax knowing the risk of personal liability is greatly reduced.

Lower Staff Costs

No need to hire your own plan administration team. With TAG doing most of the work, you can save time and money.

Avoid Fines & Penalties

With the guidance of our experienced staff, employers can confidently face regulatory audits.